Books by Sue Black (2)


All that Remains : A Life in Death by Sue Black EN

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Professor Dame Sue Black discusses the subject she grapples with every day - death - bringing her unique perspective to the multitudinous circumstances in which life is lost. From the painful grieving process after losing a loved one, to violence, murder, criminal dismemberment, missing persons, war (such as Kosovo), natural disasters (such as a tsunami), unidentified bodies, historical remains -- involving investigative agencies, lawyers, justice, criminal sentences, and always sadness and pain, she takes us on a scientific and reflective journey explaining the genetic DNA traits that develop... continue


Written in Bone by Sue Black EN

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Our bones are the silent witnesses to the lives we lead. Our stories are marbled into their marrow. Drawing upon her years of research and a wealth of remarkable experience, the world-renowned forensic anthropologist Dame Sue Black takes us on a journey of revelation. From skull to toe, via the teeth, spine, chest, arms, hands, pelvis and legs, she delicately reverse engineers events, piecing together the evidence in our remains to discover thedetails of lives once lived. All that we eat, where we go, everything we do leaves a trace, a message that waits patiently in our bones for the forensic... continue